Thefabulousbrittany’s Weblog

Fabulous Fashion Advice

White House Mishaps July 13, 2010

I got this comment a while back and just now really noticed it…

From Miss M:


First, I do not think First Lady Obama has any fashion sense…fashion mishaps, yes! Her clothes are for 20 year olds not a 45 year old mother of 2. Where are the pantyhose? She is no longer dressing for herself but representing the United States of America to the world. That hideous green dress was awful with the forest green Jimmy Choos and the JCrew gloves. Three greens don’t make it right.

And no, she will never be a Jackie O or in her league. Jackie O had style and class….Michelle lacks both. The white inaugural gown was awful……again, appropriate for a 20 year old not a 45 year old. She can be stylish and classic but so far……she is receiving a failing grade. Let’s hope someone step in and intervene soon or the world will be laughing at the First Lady!

My response.   Ladies and gentlemen please hold your applause until the end!!


There may be a lot of mishaps happening at the White House but it’s certainly not fashion related. Pantyhose?? Really??? No…no…no…no pantyhose allowed unless it is freezing cold and you’re wearing pumps or boots. Fashion is no longer what it used to be. The rules our mothers lived by no longer apply. I think it’s very refreshing to see women/mothers trying to dress like they still give a crap about what the men in their life think…more importantly what THEY think about themselves. GONE are the days of frumpy mom who always smells like baby lotion! GONE I say!! Mom’s today are more FABULOUS than ever before! Give me a mom in skinny jeans chunky boots and loads of bracelets with a dash of the newest Juicy Couture perfume!! Since when can Michelle Obama NOT dress for herself??? That’s absurd. If she’s not being herself then she’s not representing America because that’s who WE THE PEOPLE are. We are individuals, with different styles and quirks. Our individuality is what sets us apart and I think she represents us well…fashionably speaking! My ears are perked up but I hear no laughing yet Miss M.


Fabulous Fashion Advice: It’s Oscar Time again! February 3, 2009

So I just got off the Oscars website.  I’m very excited about the nominees this year!!  We’ve had a great year in film!  It’s so refreshing!  It seems like we went through a drought there for a while but are now back to blooming fields of cinematic imagery!  In case you haven’t seen the complete list of nominees you can check it out HERE.  Now we all know that the Academy Awards are to honor those who excel in the field of acting/entertaining/come what may…however, I would argue that the awards are just as much about the Red Carpet and gowns.  I can’t tell you how excited I am about who will be wearing what this year.  Let me tell you why.  Look at the nominees for Actress in a Leading Role: Anne Hathaway, Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep, Angelina Jolie…and a woman I’ve never heard of Melissa Leo.  With names like that how can you NOT have a great night of fashion!!??!!  As far as Actress in a Supporting Role I am SO looking forward to seeing what Amy Adams and Penelope Cruz will be wearing!  I know that there is a lot of criticism about how stars are in their own world and why in the world should we as the public care what they are wearing…”Shouldn’t they do more for the world than wear some dumb dress?!”…I’ve heard it all before.  I understand where these people are coming from but I want you to look at it from a different perspective for a minute.  With the downturn in the economy it seems like all we see is gloom.  For me seeing these women in all their glory and fabulousness it gives me an escape from reality…even if it’s only for a few hours on a Sunday night.  It’s like on a rainy day when just for a moment the sun breaks through and you feel the warmth on your face.  So I saw bring on the Oscar, bring on the stars and bring on the FASHION!!!!  Remember…BE FABULOUS!


Fabulous Fashion Advice: I love head scarfs! January 23, 2009

I went to Forever 21 the other day and found this great bright colored paisley print headscarf for…get this…2 BUCKS!  It’s awesome!!!  The funny part about this is that about 8 months ago I was shopping with one of my best friends and I found this long yellow scarf and tried to put it on my head and look cool…which I did not succeed at…hahaha!…anyway she came and helped show me how to do it.  For those of you, like me, who may not be so enlightened…let me share.  First of all if you are going to wear your hair down fix it however you normally would.  Then take the scarf and in the middle fold it to where you only have about a 3 inch band of material.  In order to tie the scarf you’ll need to pull your hair back…not too tight, in a pony tail holder after that take the middle piece and place it on your head placing the rough folded edges toward the back and tie it in a knot under your ponytail at the nape of your neck.  Take the ponytail out and fluff the back of your hair.  Now make sure that the scarf is not at the very front of your forehead.  Leave about 2 – 3 inches of hair in front so you don’t look bald…leave it pulled back in the scarf but just barely.  So anyway…I bought it and have LOVED wearing it.  SO the other day I am out shopping with this same FABULOUS friend and I find another scarf!!  It’s SO cute so she convinced me to buy and I am so glad I did!  It’s just such a great alternative to a hair tie thingy…oh crap I can’t think of the word.  You know what I mean…the black fabric covered rubber band deal?!  Anyway…it’s so chic!  Try THIS look Nichole Ritchie pulls off.  It just feels right for spring.  My husband and I are going on a cruise in Feb to Mexico and you can rest assured my fabulous self will be wearing a head scarf!!  REMEMBER…BE FABULOUS!!!!


Fabulous Fashion Advice: Michelle Obama’s Inaugural gown!!! January 21, 2009

SHE LOOKS FABULOUS!!!  I don’t know yet who the designer is but it’s GORGEOUS!!  It’s a cream, long, greacian inspired, one shouldered, with what looks like feathers and beautiful rhinestones/crystals!!  Absolutely ravishing!  President Obama is wearing a black, two button tux with a cream shirt and cream bowtie.  They look stunning!!!  Welcome to the World Mr. President and First Lady!!  Welcome to the world!


Fabulous Fashion Advice: Dakota Fanning Cusses???!!! January 19, 2009

So I am so steaming right now!!!!  My husband and I just watched the NFC Championship and a commercial comes on for the new movie Push.  It’s a scene where Dakota Fanning‘s character is talking about seeing her future and it doesn’t look good and then it goes to another scene and the only word I hear is coming from her mouth, it’s 4 letters long starts with a D and ends with an N!!  At least that’s what I think I heard.  Anyway, I was sooo mad!  She is our little Dakota.  The one who was so precious in Charlotte’s Web, the sweet little girl that gets kidnapped in Man on Fire, she’s our little Dakota!!!!  Now she’s cussing????!!!!  I know I should NOT be shocked, I know kids grow up, I know she is 15 years old, I know, I know, I know….BUT she’s little Dakota!!!  I just have a problem with this!  She is such a fantastic actress…what talent and now she is using 4 letter words on film?  I have NEVER understood that thinking behind bad language in movies.  Believe it or not back in the day I went to film school in New York City and got offered a role playing Reba McEntire in a feature film.  I walked in to the meeting with the director and told him that there were words in my script that I wasn’t comfortable using.  He told me “it’s ok…these are just words, it’s fine…”.  I told him “No you don’t understand, I will not use language like that.”.  “But you are our Reba!” he replied.  I said, “If you won’t change the script I’m walking.”…and that exactly what I did and there has not been one day that I have regretted it.  To my knowledge the movie was never made.  I’m not saying all that to say that people who use bad language are bad people.  I just feel like you can get your point across and sound more intelligent by choosing your words more wisely.  Dakota Fanning will not win an Oscar because she uses 4 letter words in her films, Dakota Fanning is going to win Oscars because she is a tremendous talent.  So my question is, if it doesn’t make the film any better…why use it?  Why waste your breath on words that are offensive to some and always unnecessary?  Just my opinion.  Take it for what it is.  You know what my grandpa used to say?  Opinions are like butts…everyone has one.  Just REMEMBER…no matter how you choose to express yourself vocally…BE FABULOUS!!!


Fabulous Fashion Advice: The case of the missing black hat! January 13, 2009

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So I have this FABULOUS brown/tan fuzzy, soft warm hat that has little dark brown beads all over it!  It’s so awesome!  BUT…I want a black one JUST LIKE IT and I CAN’T FIND IT!!  ARG!!!  I love throwing the little hat on though…it keeps my head warm.  AND…If I don’t feel like fixing my hair all I have to do is throw it on.  It’s great.  So go buy a hat!  REMEMBER…BE FABULOUS!


Fabulous Fashion Advice: Michelle Obama’s Inaugural gown update December 16, 2008

So I hear that the race is on for the bid to be Michelle Obama‘s designer of choice for the Inauguration.  Sketches have been released from several top designers..check it out HERE.  I favor the Michael Kors sleek blue gown.  I think this is a very regal design and would suit Mrs. Obama very well.  It will prove interesting.  You know Im sure a lot of people think that this is a bunch of foolishness…who cares what the woman wears…but you know…it does matter.  It matters because she is now (whether you agree with their politics or not) representing our country and to tell you the truth whether I agree with the outcome of the election or not I want my First Lady to be the Belle of the Ball.  She needs to be regal, gentle, exquisite and above all else FABULOUS!  I find that she most always makes great fashion choices so I don’t look for her to dissappoint for the Inauguration.  She will be the star that night…not him.  I think it’s going to be refreshing to have someone in the White House that we actually say to each other…”Did you see what she wore?  Wasn’t that FABULOUS!”.  Let’s keep our eye on her and REMEMBER…BE FABULOUS!!!


Fabulous Fashion Advice: Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show December 15, 2008

So I watched the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show the other night.  It was awesome!!!  The imagination and creativity behind the show is unreal!  Usher was awesome!!  I loved the interaction between him and the models.  Heidi Klum is always awesome…she has such a friendly spirit.  I think she would be a great friend.  You can watch some of the show HERE.  The REAL news is that Victoria’s Secret is having a HUGE sale.  Buy one bra get one 1/2 off!!  That’s HUGE considering that their bras usually run around 58 bucks!  So I’m hoping to get down there and snag a couple.  I know I’ve said this before but their new Dream Angels demi bra with memory foam is INCREDIBLE!!!  I LOVE those bras!!!  They fit SO well and now they have new colors…I want the RED one!  HOT!  So go to your local VS store…because the sale is only IN STORES.  REMEMBER…BE FABULOUS!!!


Fabulous Fashion Advice: Holiday Party Fashions December 9, 2008

So I was watching this local tv channel news bit about holiday do’s and don’ts as far as fashion goes…do you know what they said…they said “Don’t wear lots of makeup.”  UGH…don’t wear lots of makeup!!  Are you kidding me???  That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!  This is winter…this is Christmas…this is time for GREAT makeup!  Now it doesn’t mean you have to cake it on like Tammy Faye Baker, God rest her poor soul, BUT…you definitely want to look good this holiday season!  Put some paint on that barn and shine!  I got so frustrated when I head that igit say that.  Now there are going to be women going to fabulous holiday parties looking like they should just be at home watching tv.  I mean put a little effort forth and make yourself look like the fabulous person I know you are!  I will never for the life of me understand why people think that to be really beautiful you are supposed to wear very little makeup?!  I mean come on!…look at the Victoria’s Secret models…do you REALLY think that they aren’t wearing any makeup?…NO it took hours of putting on makeup to make them look like they are “naturally” beautiful.  So here’s some REAL fabulous advice on what to do about the holiday season…wear FABULOUS makeup…don’t put on SO much that you look like Tammy Faye but make an effort to look extra fabulous.  Add a little sparkle..maybe a shimmer eyeshadow or something.  MAC cosmetics has a great guide on their website…check it out HERE.  Also, wear something festive…it doesn’t have to be red or green.  Try a deep eggplant, copper or dark brown.  Here are a few examples…PS…keep in mind what the weather is in your area.  If you are going to be in freezing cold temps…don’t wear something strapless…or AT LEAST if you do wear a great cardigan over it.  Check these out…Black and Gold number from Cache`, I LOVE this one, this is really cute…I have it in hot pink!, this is GREAT!! from Forever 21 I may have to have it!, pair this with this VERY CUTE!.  That should give you a good idea or at least a good starting point.  So my fashion advice to you this Holiday Season would be to #1 Be Fabulous, #2 put a good coat of paint on the barn and #3 dress to the nines!  REMEMBER…BE FABULOUS!


Fabulous Fashion Advice: Football Fashion: An Oxymoron? December 7, 2008

SO…I have been out of town since Thursday and I know you have all been completely devastated without my words of wisdom and advice!  HA!  Ok…let me get my big head under control!  I really don’t have much to say this time…just wanted to let ya’ll know I was still alive!  I’ll have more blog fodder tomorrow morning.  You know…it’s amazing how much inspiration you can get from watching shows like The View or Regis and Kelly!  I always get something good to talk about from those shows.  My husband and I are sitting here getting ready to watch the Tennessee Titans play.  Here’s a bit of fashion advice for you…I flew home at 6am from MS, had a connection in Atlanta and this lady got on our plane that had on this HUGE puffy Cleveland Browns coat.  She was flying into Nashville for the game today.  I couldn’t get over how ugly the coat was!!  I mean…I’m all about showing team spirit but PLEASE do it fashionably!!  PLEASE!  I know you’re saying…but how??  Let me enlighten you…click HEREAlyssa Milano, of Who’s The Boss fame, has designed a line of NFL gear called Touch that is AWESOME!!  I’m not a huge football fan but I would totally wear the stuff she has designed!  It’s fabulous!  SO…if you are looking to be more fashionably in your team spirit check it out!!  REMEMBER…BE FABULOUS!!!