Thefabulousbrittany’s Weblog

Fabulous Fashion Advice

White House Mishaps July 13, 2010

I got this comment a while back and just now really noticed it…

From Miss M:


First, I do not think First Lady Obama has any fashion sense…fashion mishaps, yes! Her clothes are for 20 year olds not a 45 year old mother of 2. Where are the pantyhose? She is no longer dressing for herself but representing the United States of America to the world. That hideous green dress was awful with the forest green Jimmy Choos and the JCrew gloves. Three greens don’t make it right.

And no, she will never be a Jackie O or in her league. Jackie O had style and class….Michelle lacks both. The white inaugural gown was awful……again, appropriate for a 20 year old not a 45 year old. She can be stylish and classic but so far……she is receiving a failing grade. Let’s hope someone step in and intervene soon or the world will be laughing at the First Lady!

My response.   Ladies and gentlemen please hold your applause until the end!!


There may be a lot of mishaps happening at the White House but it’s certainly not fashion related. Pantyhose?? Really??? No…no…no…no pantyhose allowed unless it is freezing cold and you’re wearing pumps or boots. Fashion is no longer what it used to be. The rules our mothers lived by no longer apply. I think it’s very refreshing to see women/mothers trying to dress like they still give a crap about what the men in their life think…more importantly what THEY think about themselves. GONE are the days of frumpy mom who always smells like baby lotion! GONE I say!! Mom’s today are more FABULOUS than ever before! Give me a mom in skinny jeans chunky boots and loads of bracelets with a dash of the newest Juicy Couture perfume!! Since when can Michelle Obama NOT dress for herself??? That’s absurd. If she’s not being herself then she’s not representing America because that’s who WE THE PEOPLE are. We are individuals, with different styles and quirks. Our individuality is what sets us apart and I think she represents us well…fashionably speaking! My ears are perked up but I hear no laughing yet Miss M.


Fabulous Fashion Advice: What is that smell? June 24, 2008

So…let’s talk perfume. I LOVE perfume. All different kinds…I love it all! What’s important to remember about perfume is that while you do want to smell good…you don’t want to smell overwhelming. My uncle would put so much on that you could smell him before you saw him! That’s not a good thing. I usually put a spritz behind both ears…on my neck, on my wrists, (if I’m wearing a shorter dress) in the bend of my knee, and on my clothes. Now I know there are people out there that will say not to put it on your clothes…but I have to tell you that I do it all the time. It really does help to keep the fragrance alive…everytime you move that smell is jumbled up and will release a new little puff I guess you could say. Anyway, I do it and I love it! Right now I’m wearing Deseo by J. Lo, Ed Hardy, and Fabulosity by the FABULOUS Kimora Lee Simmons! I tend to mix perfumes together. I find that it creates a unique scent and is often better than one product alone. Just don’t go overboard. My favorite and the kind I bring out for special occasions only is Clive Christian. His products range from $100-10,000 a bottle. No one can touch this fragrance…it’s the epitome of Fabulous! I have the 1872 product and LOVE it! I also like Envy Me by Gucci, Rose by Bulgari, Chance by Chanel, I could go on and on. I love it! A lot of people say you should have a signature scent…one that you wear all the time…can you say BORING!!! I can’t do that. I’ll wear a fragrance for 2-3 months and then I HAVE to change it up. Be unexpected! But above all…REMEMBER…BE FABULOUS!!!